eduroam Nedir? / What's eduroam?
eduroam (education roaming) uluslararas� ara�t�rma ve e�itim kurumlar� i�in geli�tirilmi� d�nya �ap�nda g�venli dola��m eri�im hizmetidir.

eduroam federasyonuna �ye kurumlarda, kullan�c�lara (ara�t�rmac�lar, ��retmenler, ��renciler ve personel) g�venli bir internet eri�im hizmeti sa�lanmas�d�r. eduroam i�in kullan�c�n�n kimlik do�rulamas�, kullan�c�n�n ev kurumu taraf�ndan yap�l�r, ziyaret edilen kurum taraf�ndan ise a� kaynaklar�na eri�imin yetkilendirme i�lemleri yap�lmas�na dayanmaktad�r.
eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.

eduroam allows users (researchers, teachers, students, staff) from participating institutions to securely access the Internet from any eduroam-enabled institution. The eduroam principle is based on the fact that the user's authentication is done by the user's home institution, whereas the authorisation decision allowing access to the network resources is done by the visited network.